HOW TO INTEGRATE AdMob to an Android App?

Assuming you know all the basics of creating Android app, have an AdMob account and you wanna start earning from your app. Fine, you are on right track. Though integrating AdMob does not mean you will earn a huge from your app, but its the very first step to start earning from your app.
rest depends on promotion. That's another story.

Hope you have already installed website 2 Ap software. Open the app by double-clicking on that icon.

Go to the bottom-most left corner AdMob settings. Click on the enable button where display Ads on App showing. Now a new window will appear.

Now in another tab open AdMob account[How to create AdMob Account], create an app detail[How to add new App on AdMob] and simply copy the ad codes and paste on its respective positions.
how ad code looks like
now put the interval time, the gap between two advertisement user will be shown. Last but not the least click on the Generate button and install the app on any android device and see the magic.